Sunday 6 September 2009

Teleworking or homeworking? You decide!

My first post mentioned 'homeworking'.  You will often come across the term 'teleworking'.  Homeworking and teleworking used to mean something quite different.  Let me explain.

The strict definition of homeworking - workers that are based at home and are engaged in practical work: manufacturing, craft work, creating a product, stuffing envelopes (lets not even go there!) etc.

The strict definition of teleworking - workers that are usually office-based and carry out most of their work from home: secretarial, writing, data entry, bookkeeping, web design etc.

It seems that both terms are now synonymous with each other.  In this blog I will always use the term 'homeworker'.  That is, 'someone who works from home using remote technology'.


What is remotely possible?

This blog will be about working from home using remote technology. I will tell you what remote technology is, the different technologies that are available and the skill-sets that you will require and are the most marketable. More importantly, I will tell you how to differentiate between the many different homeworking scams and over-hyped promises (that almost inevitably will leave you seriously out of pocket) and some of the genuine money making opportunities that are available.

I will also document my personal thoughts, as I endeavour to try and sort the wheat from the chaff, regarding my quest to earn an honest income, utilising remote technology.

Sometimes I will be posting links to websites that you may find helpful. I will never post an affiliate link - I don't want to be seen to be making any profit from visitors to this blog. This may change in the future, but I will be sure to let you know. I will only monetise through Google's AdSense program - and that will be pennies, if I am lucky!

To answer the question in the title, What is remotely possible? I will just have to find out - I will be sure to let you know.

Thanks for reading and I will see you in the next post.
